Collabs make my world go 'round

If you know me, you know that my local
music community is one of my biggest
sources of inspiration. It's such a collaborative and supportive scene, and I can't imagine creating music without being tuned in to the amazing art all around me.
Now that I'm working from home more, I've had more time to collaborate with friends on their projects. A couple of those projects were recently released.
My friend Robyn Dell'Unto's new record, Beaconsfield is out, and it is SO good! I've always been a fan of Robyn's music and writing, and it's been cool to see her evolve into such a skilled producer too. I had a great time playing keys on her tune Future Something. The album is now available everywhere, and you can hear her tune Face to Face on CSC Radio 2 Top 20.
I've realized over the past couple years, that I really enjoy writing country music! I love the story-telling aspect, and I was able to explore that when writing with country-pop artist Scotty James. We co-wrote his latest single, Back to Those Streets, and I love how the track turned out. Scotty's new album is coming out March 17!
And finally, the lovely Lindsay Foote is releasing her beautiful new EP, Going Gone, this month. You can catch her in Toronto at her CD release show at Burdock on Sunday, March 12, 8:30pm. I was lucky enough to have Lindsay backing me up on my "Live off the canoe" videos we filmed in September. Her voice is so beautiful, and I have a feeling that big things are going to happen for Lindsay with this record.
Hope you enjoy these artists and their tunes! What are YOU
listening to these days?
xo D